You are currently viewing Instalment Tax Tutorial

Instalment Tax Tutorial

  • Post author:
  • Post category:Blog on Tax
  • Post last modified:October 17, 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

The Issue

Government requires that income tax is paid on installment basis within the year of income.

The Problem

Many taxpayers do not pay income tax on installment basis.

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b. Tax Contents Disclaimer: The tax industry in Kenya is very dynamic. The tax contents in the posts are not professional advice. Read full disclosure HERE.

The Solution

We have a video tutorial on installment tax. In the video,

  1. We explain what installment tax is.
  2. Who should pay income tax on installment basis.
  3. How to establish the estimated installment tax.
  4. When to pay installment tax.
  5. How to pay the installment tax.
  6. Consequences of not complying with the tax requirements.

The Benefits

  1. Start complying with the tax requirements.
  2. Avoid extra tax payments (fines, penalties and interest)
  3. Minimize tax-related stress.

Call to Action

Get the “How To Comply with Instalment Tax Requirements and Avoid Extra Tax Payments” Tutorial Today

Coming Soon


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