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New Regional Cargo Tracking System

  • Post author:
  • Post category:Blog on Tax
  • Post last modified:September 18, 2024
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Any cargo tracking system is important for managing East African Community Customs affairs. The management of customs affairs in the East African Community countries is harmonised under the East African Community Customs Management Act (2004).

As of March 2017, three East African Community countries (Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda) had launched a Regional Cargo Tracking System (RECTS).

The launch of RECTS was aimed at:

1. Closing prevalent tax loss loopholes.

2. Increasing cargo flow using the joint e-monitoring system.

3. Eliminating cargo diversion into the local markets.

4. Creating alerts and responses during stop-overs that take more time than allowed.

5. Minimise cases of customs security control compromise.

6. Promote fair trade.

7. Minimise competition between locally manufactured goods and imported goods.

8. Minimise the cost of doing business locally and regionally.

9. Reduce the time taken to conduct certain business transactions.

The list of the nine expected benefits of the RECTS makes this launch worthwhile.

It is important to note that systems alone only work if there is willingness from the parties involved.

It is hoped that other EAC countries will come on board.

The list of the nine expected benefits of the RECTS makes it worthwhile to launch.

Feel free to send us questions or topics on tax and investments in Kenya that you would wish to be covered on this website. .


taxpayers and Governments

Test Your Knowledge of the Taxpayer-Government Relationship

This quiz will test your understanding of the complex relationship between taxpayers and governments. There are questions about tax policies, taxpayer rights, government responsibilities, and the impact of taxation on society.

1 / 13

#1. What is the primary role of taxpayers in society?

2 / 13

#2. Which of the following is NOT a public service funded by taxes?

3 / 13

#3. What is the term used to describe the financial burden placed on taxpayers?

4 / 13

#4. Why do governments implement tax reforms?

5 / 13

#5. What is the primary role of taxpayer advocacy groups?

6 / 13

#6. Which of the following is a challenge faced by governments in managing the relationship with taxpayers?

7 / 13

#7. What is the importance of transparency and accountability in the relationship between taxpayers and governments?

8 / 13

#8. How can technology improve the relationship between taxpayers and governments?

9 / 13

#9. Which of the following is a potential negative consequence of increased tax burden on taxpayers?

10 / 13

#10. Why is it important for taxpayers to be aware of their rights?

11 / 13

#11. What is the term used to describe the practice of deliberately avoiding paying taxes?

12 / 13

#12. How can governments promote economic growth through tax policies?

13 / 13

#13. What is the primary goal of a fair tax system?

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