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Tax Avoidance

  • Post author:
  • Post category:Blog on Tax
  • Post last modified:March 3, 2023
  • Reading time:2 mins read

There are many things to discuss in tax avoidance. the following 7 items are important

  1. Introduction
  2. What does tax avoidance enable a taxpayer to do?
  3. Tax avoidance opportunities
    • Opportunities availed by the government
    • Opportunities created by taxpayers
  4. Tax avoidance audits
    • Form of a transaction
    • Substance of a transaction
  5. Potential tax avoidance risks
    • To a country
    • To a taxpayer
  6. Tax avoidance challenges
  7. Solutions to tax avoidance challenges
    • Tax rules:
      • General Anti Avoidance Rules
      • Specific Anti Avoidance Rules
    • Other solutions

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This post is for general overview and guidance and does not in any way amount to professional advice. Hence,, its owner or associates do not take any responsibility for results of any action taken on the basis of the information in this post or for any errors or omissions. Kenyan taxpayers must always rely on the most current information from KRA. Tax industry in Kenya is very dynamic.