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  • Post author:
  • Post category:Blog on Tax
  • Post last modified:February 26, 2023
  • Reading time:3 mins read

We would like to personally thank you for your continued support over the last many years. Your continued visits to this website remind us daily that we are doing something worthwhile. We promise you we will do our best.

We are aware that there are very many people out there who understand better through audio and videos. We have started once again to post-tax videos. We will put a video for every post, even if it is just a summary.

The Youtube Channel is TaxKenya Shows. The following is a brief description of the Channel:

“This is a Kenya Tax Education Channel. The Channel Provides Tax Information, Tax Education and Tax Entertainment. The Main Purpose of the Channel is to Increase Tax Literacy Levels among Kenyan Taxpayers to enable them to increase their Tax Compliance Levels and Minimise Payment of Extra Tax Payments in the form of tax Fines, tax Penalties and tax Interest. Hopefully, Money saved will be used to Increase Wealth in the Country.’

We request that you to do the following:

a. Subscribe to the Channel

b. Leave a comment for each video

c. Like the videos

This will help increase the views and subscriptions so that we can have the 1k subscribers and 4000hrs to qualify for monetisation. Monetising the YouTube Channel will cater for the cost of this website which we finance.

Finally, we take this opportunity to wish you good health as you navigate your way through the tax wilderness … stay safe.

Dr. Wakaguyu Wa Kiburi.